
Origin by jennifer l armentrout
Origin by jennifer l armentrout

origin by jennifer l armentrout

I scoffed a few times at the strength of feeling and the exchanges, but hopefully Armentrout will strike the balance in the final book. It’s all, I’ll die for you, and Never leave me. It seems a side effect of paranormal romance for the characters to be attached to each other so strongly, more than you normally see in a contemporary romance.

origin by jennifer l armentrout

And have known each other for under a year. In ‘Origin’ we’d suddenly progressed to ‘I’ve always loved you, will you marry me?” I mean, what? Marriage? They’re 18. In ‘Opal’, we were up to the pair considering and having sex.

origin by jennifer l armentrout

Fast is better than slow, I guess, but ‘Origin’ took that to a whole new level. It’s too slow, it’s too fast and there’s no middle ground. My constant complaint has been the pace of Katy and Daemon’s relationship. There were limited consequences, and limited achievements through these deaths, so they seemed a little unnecessary. Deaths that I wasn’t that affected by because I’m not connected enough to the characters to care (sounds harsh, I know) but it did feel like death was only being used to force some emotion out of the audience. Similar to the first two books in style, the action takes a while to build, but when it does, it’s all guns blazing. Getting trapped by them is only a minor setback.

origin by jennifer l armentrout

It’s picking up! Hooray! Katy and her alien posse are all up for taking down some evil alien scum. To get to book four out of five and finally have a breakthrough seems a little delayed, so it really depends if you can be bothered to read three books before you get to the good stuff. All of the people that told me this series got better, you have to stick it out, were right. Without further ado, here’s how I think the series is going. So little happened, it was a blip in my reading schedule and I didn’t have anything insightful to add to my reviews of the series so far. I’m combining the third and fourth book into one review, because the third book just really didn’t warrant it’s own review. Where to Find: Goodreads | Author | Amazon

Origin by jennifer l armentrout