
Undertow by S.M. Stelmack
Undertow by S.M. Stelmack

But name a banner that the Republican Party has gathered under in the past few years and he is likely to have been the one waving it. It isn’t always clear how sincerely DeSantis means to impose a puritanical society in Florida (of all places) and how much of his culture war is about political positioning. More significant, his brand developed almost entirely during the Trump era in a stepping-stone manner, built on his laissez-faire approach to the pandemic, his campaign to suppress the teaching of racial and gender themes in schools and to punish teachers who defy him, his backing of permissive gun laws, his aggression toward immigrants and trans people, and his ban on nearly all abortions after six weeks. field, is forty-four and, if he were to win, would be the second-youngest President ever elected. DeSantis, who is still far ahead of the rest of the G.O.P. Both are working from public personae that were largely established by the time DeSantis finished elementary school, and their politics run thick with nostalgia. The two candidates most likely to win the Presidency in 2024, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, are, respectively, eighty years old and quickly nearing that age. Somewhere out there, presumably, were voters curious to get a feel for him, but they couldn’t even see his face, only a miniature lecturing avatar. When DeSantis finally got going he dwelled on the niche interests of conservative insiders, at one point digressing about the “accreditation cartels” that govern universities. The event was a glitchy mess it took twenty minutes to start and rapidly shed viewers. Then, on Wednesday evening, DeSantis formally announced his run during an audio-only discussion with Elon Musk, on Twitter Spaces. Yet this month DeSantis set out on the trail-a barbecue joint in Iowa, the Red Arrow Diner in Manchester, New Hampshire-hoping to make a good first impression on voters who do not follow politics obsessively and who may have missed the latest fallout from the arcane war he insists on prosecuting against the Walt Disney Corporation. In a new poll, DeSantis is down nearly forty points to Donald Trump among Republican primary voters. The candidacy of Governor Ron DeSantis, of Florida, contains some extra, darker emotional layers: defensiveness, a bristling ideological fixity, an undercurrent of dread. Slick videos are posted, bus tours of the hinterlands are announced, e-mails seeking donations flow into in-boxes like the tide. Presidential campaigns are usually launched in a bright burst of hope.

Undertow by S.M. Stelmack